I supervised the following undergraduate research projects

(1) Hossam Shoman: On partitioning of positive Integers.

(2) AlaEddin Douba: On multiplicative groups module n with identity different from one.


(3) Taha Ameen Ur Rahman: Z_n Graphs (will graduate in May 2020)

He spends summer 2019 as research intern at Finnish university

2020-2025: pursuing PhD at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), where he recently (2021) received the prestigious James Henderson Fellowship.

(4) Reem Mahmoud : Rings of the form {a + bi| a, b in Z_n}; ( persuing a Ph.D in Graph Theory at Virginia Commonwealth University, USA.).

5) Fall 2020 (Covid 19+): Saood Almarzooqi, "Zero-divisor graph of integers module n (Z_n)."

Saood's presentation on youtube

6) Spring 2023: Aline Jerman, Partition Z_n into multiplicative groups

7) Spring 2023: Dara Varam, Construction of Multiplicative Groups of
Polynomials with Non-Zero Identities in (Z_p[x])_m(x)




I supervised the following Master Thesis

1) Mohammad Abdullah (pursuing a Ph.D in Math at the University of Potsdam, Germany.); See comments I made on the thesis.

Mohammad Ahmad Abdulla Thesis with my comments

His thesis is published here (Web of Science and Scopus)

Also the thesis is located at AUS-Dspace

2) Yasmeen El-Ashi (Instructor at

NYU Abu Dhabi)

Yasmeen's Thesis is published here.